Rock On

9 Aug

I witnessed one of the cutest things I have ever seen Peyton do today.

I arrived to pick him up from school and he was sitting in a chair with his back to me. It looked like he asked the little girl next to him something and then she gave him a doll. He nodded, took the doll, and put it in his arms. Then I realized he was sitting in a rocking chair. Peyton sat there rocking the doll in the chair and smiling. I went over and said, “Peyton? What are you doing?” He just smiled at me and rocked. I said, “Is that your baby? Rocking your baby?” He said, “Yes.” He just sat there for awhile rocking back and forth. I sat down and waited for him as I didn’t have the heart to stop him.

On the way home, I called the hub and told him that we needed to buy a rocking chair for Peyton!

I hope this is a sign that he’ll be a good big brother… after all, I’m due with our second in about six months! (For those of you first time and returning readers — yes, the pregnancy is still the same and awful, but when you realize how precious your child is, you’re willing to do it again.)

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